Dear users ; you are welcome to use our distance calculator. The following information may help you for using this site.
- One city / place name can be repeated more than once in different part of the world. So kindly check the country of the given city etc. ex. the city name delhi is an indian capital ; under the same name there is place in canada.
- Given distance may vary from the google distance; because we are calculating the distance using formula and considering both places are connected by straight line.
- We are trying to provide accurate information; but due to some technical reason , formula etc.; the given information may be approximate. So we are not liable for inaccuracy.
- Two places/cities can be connected by more than one route so the given information may vary based on route. Even air route, rail route, water way, motor way differ from its distance.
- You are welcome to provide latitude and longitude of the give city information which are not accurate.
- personally we are not responding for the common / travel queries etc. Please place your queries at the concern page ; so other user may answer for your queries.
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