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Distance Calculator
sri_lanka distance calculator
Kegalla distance calculator
kegalla distance calculator helps you to get distance calculator, driving direction, nearest places, map and city list for the following locations.
Alawaa Railway Station
Ambeypussa Railway Station
Galgamuwa Central College
Halpitiya Temple
Hiriwadunna Government School
Hunuwala Temple
Keerthiratanaramaya Bhudist Temple
Mas Fabric Park
Maweehena Lake
Nangalla Jummah Mosque
Narangoda Temple
Nelundeniya Mosque
Parakramabahu National College
Polgahawela Railway Station
St Marys College
Technical College Kegalle
Tulhiriya Post Office
Walalgoda School
Warakapola Grand Jummah Mosque
Warakapola Market
Warakapola Post Office
Warakapola Technical College
Warakapola Town Mosque