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New York1 distance calculator
new_york1 distance calculator helps you to get distance calculator, driving direction, nearest places, map and city list for the following locations.
Edward J Speno Memorial Park
Ed Smith School
Eel Weir State Park
Efner Lake
Egypt Beach
Egypt Park
Eighth Lake
Eisenhower College
Elba Central School
Elda Lake
Eldon Lake
Eldridge Lake
Elijah Lake
Elim Gospel Church
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Park
Elks Brox Park
Ellenville Central School
Ellicottville Central School
Ellicott Island Park
Ellsworth W Allen Park
Elma Center
Elmhurst Library
Elmira College
Elmira Heights
Elmont Public Library
Elmont Road Park
Elmsford Post Office
Elm Avenue Park
Elm Grove Mobile Home Park
Elm Park United Methodist Church
Elsmere Elementary School
Elting Memorial Library
Elwood Park
Elwood Public Library
Ely Park
El Conquistador
Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Emerson Middle School
Emmanuel United Church
Emma Willard School
Emmons United Methodist Church
Emory Park
Empire Haven Nudist Park
Empire Lake
Empire Webster Park
Englewoods Llc Mobile Home Park
Env Business Park
En Joie Park
Epiphany Lutheran Church
Episcopal Christ Church
Erie Canal Park
Erie Community College
Esopus Lake
Estee Lauder Research Park
Eunice O Esposito Park
Evangola State Park
Evans Mills
Evens Lake
Evergreen Lake
Ewen Park
Fairhaven Beach
Fairley Elementary School
Fairmount Public Library
Fairport High School
Fairport Historical Museum
Fairport Office Park
Fair Field
Fair Haven Beach State Park
Faith Heritage School
Falconer Central School
Falconer Park
Falkner Park
Fancher Davidge Park
Farmingdale High School
Farmingdale Post Office
Farmingdale Public Library
Farmingdale Skate Park
Farnsworth Middle School
Far Rockaway
Faun Lake
Fayetteville Free Library
Fayetteville Post Office
Fayetteville United Methodist Church
Feagles Lake
Featherstonhaugh Lake
Feeder Dam
Feinberg Library
Fellows Road Park
Fenimore Art Museum
Fergusons Lake
Ferris Lake
Ferry Point Park
Feullard Lake
Ffcsd Elementary School
Ffcsd High School
Ffcsd Middle School
Fiddler Lane Park
Fifth Lake
Figert Lake
Filers Lake
Fillmore Central School
Fillmore Glen State Park
Finkelstein Memorial Library
Firefighters Memorial Park
Firemens Park
Fire Island
Fire Island Pines
First Calvary Baptist Church
First Evangelical Free Church
First Reformed Church
First Shiloh Baptist Church
First United Presbyterian Church
Fishers Island
Fishers Island School
Fisher Vly Lake
Fisk Lake
Fivemile Point
Five Islands Park
Flanders Elementary School
Flint Park
Floral Park
Flower Hill
Flower Memorial Library
Flushing High School
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Flushing Post Office
Folsom Library
Foodplus Market
Fordham Preparatory School
Fordham University
Fordham University Church
Forestport Dam
Forestport Elementary School
Forestville Central Schools
Forestville Elementary School
Forest City Community Park
Forest Elementary School
Forest Glen Lake
Forest Home
Forest Oak
Forked Lake
Fork Lane School
Forman Park
Formerly Parkside Methodist Church
Former Boston Market
Former Masonic Temple
Former Scarborough School
Former Site Of Heritage Park
Forness Park
Fort Ann
Fort Brewerton State Park
Fort Brown
Fort Clinton
Fort Drum
Fort Edward
Fort Greene
Fort Greene Park
Fort Hunter Park
Fort Johnson
Fort Montgomery
Fort Niagara State Park
Fort Plain
Fort Salonga
Fort Schuyler Park
Fort Tryon Park
Fort William Henry
Fostertown School
Fox Trace
Francis Lewis Park
Franklinville Central Schools
Franklinville Elementary School
Franklin School Apartments
Franklin Square
Frank Charles Park
Frank Melville Memorial Park
Frasier School
Frear Park
Fredonia Central Schools
Fredrick Douglas Memorial Park
Freedom Park
Freeport Christ Lutheran Church
Freeport Industrial Park
Freeport Memorial Library
Freeport United Methodist Church
Fremont Elementary School
French Hill
Fresh Meadows
Frewsburg Elementary School
Friedsam Library
Frothingham Lake
Ft Independence Park
Full Gospel Ny Church
Furlough Lake
Furnace Brook Lake
Fyle Elementary School
Gananda Middle School
Gang Mills
Ganser Smith Memorial Park
Garden City Community Church
Garden City Community Park
Garden City Park
Garden City Public Library
Garden City South
Gardner Dickinson School
Gargoyle Park
Garnet Lake
Garrison Park
Gaskell Prep School
Gates-north Gates
Gates Public Library
Gavin Park
Genegantslet Lake
Genesee Community College
Genesee Regional Market
Geneseo Central School
Genessee Elementary School
Genet Elementary School
Geneva Gallow School
Georgia Park
Georgica Beach
Georgi Museum
Germantown Central School
German Village
Gerritsen Beach
Gibbs Lake
Gibson Elementary School
Gibson Hall
Gibson Street Park
Gid Lake
Gifford Lake
Gilbert Lake State Park
Gilboa Dam
Gilead Lutheran Church
Gilgo Beach
Gilgo State Park
Gillinder Glass Museum
Gilman Lake
Gilmore Elementary School
Glencliff Elementary School
Glencoma Lake
Glendaal Elementary School
Glendale Lake
Glendale Sports Park
Glendale Technology Park
Glenham Elementary School
Glenmere Lake
Glenmont Elementary School
Glens Falls
Glens Falls City Park
Glenville Business And Technology Park
Glenwood Lake
Glenwood Landing
Glen Cove
Glen Cove Landing
Glen Cove Public Library
Glen Head
Glen Island Beach
Glen Lake
Glen Park
Glimmerglass State Park
Globe Market
Gloversville High School
Gloversville Post Office
Goldens Bridge
Golden Pond
Gold Rush
Goodale Lake
Goodhue Lake
Goodyear Lake
Good Luck Lake
Goosepond Mountain State Park
Goose Point
Gordon Heights
Gorton High School
Gorton Lake
Goshen Intermediate School
Gotham Avenue School
Gould Park
Gowana Middle School
Grace Evangelical Covenant Church
Grace Fellowship Community Church
Grace Point
Grafton Lakes State Park
Grampus Lake
Grand Central Park
Grand Isle Congregational Church
Grand Isle School
Grand Isle State Park
Grand View-on-hudson
Grass Point State Park
Gratwick Waterfront Park
Gravino Park
Gray College
Great Embankment Park
Great Neck
Great Neck Gardens
Great Neck Plaza
Great Patchogue Lake
Great River
Great Sacandaga Lake
Greeley College
Greenacres Elementary School
Greenburgh Public Library
Greendale School
Greenport High School
Greenport Skateboard Park
Greens Lake
Greenvale Elementary School
Greenville Community Church
Greenville Elementary School
Greenwich Post Office
Greenwood Lake
Green Harbor
Green Lakes State Park
Green Mountain Lake
Gregory Museum
Grenedier Beach And Public Park
Greystone Park
Gries Park
Grill Lake
Groove Street Park
Grossingers Lake
Groton Elementary School
Grout Park
Groveville Hydroelectric Dam
Grove Point
Grumman Museum
Guardino Elementary School
Guernsey Memorial Library
Guggenheim Elementary School
Guilderland Elementary School
Guilderland High School
Guilderland Post Office
Guilderland Public Library
Guilford Lake
Gun Hill Houses
Guymard Lake
Gyser Park
G Lake
Hackley School
Haffen Park
Hafner Park
Halcyon Lake
Haldane Central School
Hallock Landing Beach
Hallock Landing Park
Hall Lake
Halsted School
Hamagrael Elementary School
Hamburg High School
Hamburg Middle School
Hamburg Public Library
Hamburg Town Beach
Hamilton Beach
Hamilton Central School
Hamilton College
Hamilton College Reservoirs
Hamilton Elementary School
Hamilton School
Hamilton Square
Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church
Hamlin Beach State Park
Hamlin Town Park
Hammel Houses
Hammocks At Orchard Park
Hammondsport High School
Hammondsport Library
Hammond Central School
Hampton Bays
Hampton Inn Clifton Park
Hampton Lake
Hampton Lake Town Park
Hampton Manor
Hancock Central Schools
Hand College
Hanford Bay
Hannawa Falls Dam
Hannibal High School
Harbor Front Park
Harbor Hills
Harbor Isle
Hardscrabble Lake
Harford Mills
Harkness Lake
Harmony Lake
Harper Homes Mobile Home Park
Harpursville Central School
Harriman State Park
Harrisburg Lake
Harrison High School
Harrison Public Library
Harrisville Central School
Harris Hill
Harris Hill Park
Harry Betar Memorial Park
Harry Dunham Park
Hartford Central School
Hartley Park
Hartsdale Lake
Hartwick College
Hart Vly Lake
Harvey Nichols School
Hastings High School
Hauppauge High School
Hauppauge Middle School
Hauppauge Public Library
Haviland Cove Park
Hawkins Path School
Hawthorne Lake
Haypath Road Park
Head Of The Harbor
Heaptaugua Lake
Heathcote Elementary School
Heatly School
Heavens Lake
Hebrew Day School
Heckscher Museum
Heckscher Park
Heddens Lake
Hedges Lake
Hedstrom Baptist Church
Heights School
Helderberg Lake
Helderberg Reformed Dutch Church
Hemlock Elementary School
Hemlock School
Hempstead Elementary School
Hempstead High School
Hempstead Lake State Park
Hempstead Middle School
Hempstead Plains At Eisenhower Park
Hendrick Hudson Free Library
Hendy Avenue School
Henninger High School
Henrietta Public Library
Henrietta Town Park
Henry Hudson Park
Henry Hudson Town Park
Henry Viscardi School
Herb Sue Redl Recreation Park
Herman Melville Park
Herricks High School
Herricks Middle School
Hessian Bloody Lake
Heuvelton Central School
Hewitt Elementary School
Hewlett Bay Park
Hewlett Elementary School
Hewlett Harbor
Hewlett Neck
Hewlett Point Beach
Hewlett Post Office
Hewlett Woodmere Public Library
Hf Redmond Jr Memorial Park
Hiawatha Lake
Hickories Park
Hickory Lake
Hickory Woods
Hicksville High School
Hicksville Middle School
Hicksville Post Office
Hicksville Public Library
Hicks Beach
Hidden Park
Hiden Pond Park
Highbridge Houses
Highbridge Park
Highlands Beach
Highlands Forge Lake
Highland Falls
Highland Forest Park
Highland Forest State Park
Highland Lakes State Park
Highland Mills
High Falls Park
High Point State Park
High Tor State Park
Higley Flow State Park
Hilbert College
Hillcrest Baptist Church
Hillhurst Park
Hillside Grade School
Hillside Intermediate School
Hillside Lake
Hilltop Plaza
Hillview Free Library
Hill Top Lake
Hilton Garden Inn Clifton Park
Hilton High School
Hinckley Dam
Hindu Samaj Temple
Hinkle Memorial Library
Hinsdale Central School
Hiram Lake
Historic Bathing Beach
Historic Best School
Historic Elwood Schoolhouse
Hitchcock Prespyterian Church
Hitherhills State Park
Hobart Beach
Hoffman Park
Hofstra University
Hofstra University Axinn Library
Holiday Island
Holiday Lake
Holiday Mountain Ski Fun Park
Holland Cove
Holland Patent
Holley Central Schools
Holley Elementary School
Hollister Lake
Hollis Hills
Holtsville Park
Holy Annunciation Russian Orthodox Church
Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
Holy Family Roman Catholic Church
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church
Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church
Holy Name Of Mary Church
Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Homestead Heights
Homestead School
Home Acres
Hommocks Middle School
Honeoye Central School
Honeoye Falls
Honeoye Lake
Honey Pond
Honk Lake
Honnedaga Lake
Hooker Middle School
Hoopes Park
Hoosick Falls
Hopewell Junction
Hope Evangelical Free Church
Hope United Methodist Church
Hornell High School
Hornell Intermediate School
Hornell Skate Park
Horseheads High School
Horseshoe Hill
Hotchkiss School
Houghton College
Houghton Weslyan Church
Houlihan Park
Hovey Pond Park
Howard Beach
Howes Landing
Howitt Middle School
Howlands Lake
Hoyt Lake Delaware Park
Huckleberry Lake
Hudson Falls
Hudson Falls Free Library
Hudson Gardens
Hudson Heights
Hudson Highlands State Park
Hudson Lake
Hudson Park
Hudson River Museum
Hudson River Park
Hudson Valley Research Park
Huggins Lake
Huguenot Lake
Hungerford Market
Hunns Lake
Hunters Creek County Park
Huntington Bay
Huntington High School
Huntington Memorial Library
Huntington Public Library
Huntington Skate Park
Huntington Station
Hutchinson Elementary School
Hyde Lake
Hyde State Historic Park
Idle Hour
Iga Village Market
Ihm Catholic Church
Immanuel Lutheran School
Independence Lake
Indian Falls Lake
Indian Meadows Town Park
Indian Wells Beach
Indigo Lake
Inwood Hill Park
Inwood Lake
Inwood Park
Inwood Regional Branch Library
Inwood Terrace
Iona College
Iona Grammar School
Iona Preparatory School
Irmisch Park
Irondequoit High School
Irondequoit Little League Park
Irondequoit Public Library
Iron Pier Beach
Iroquois Central School
Iroquois Lake
Iroquois Middle School
Isham Park
Island Church
Isle Land Conservation Park
Islip High School
Islip Terrace
Islip Town Beach
Ithaca College
Ithaca Farmers Market
Ithaca High School
Ithaca Post Office
Ithaca Vineyard Church
Jacob Joffe Park
Jacob Riis Park
Jacques Cartier State Park
Jamaica Avenue School
Jamaica High School
Jamestown Community College
Jamestown Post Office
Jamesville Beach Park
James Baird State Park
James Egan Pocket Park
James Street Park
James Wheelock Clark Library
Jamie Towers
Jane Champ Park
Java Center
Java Village
Jefferson Avenue School
Jefferson Central School
Jefferson Community College
Jefferson Hall Library
Jefferson Heights
Jefferson Valley-yorktown
Jefferson Village
Jeff Blatnick Park
Jenny Lake
Jerry Burrell Park
Jerusalem True Baptist Church
Jervis Public Library
Jfk Elementry School
Jfk Marina Park
Jockybush Lake
Johnnycake Lake
Johnsburg Central School
Johnsonville Hydroelectric Dam
Johnson City
Johnstown High School
Johnstown Post Office
John Adams Houses
John Benoit Park
John Boyd Thatcher State Park
John C Stiglmeier Park
John Jermain Memorial Library
John J Burns Park
John Mullayly Park
John Schoolcraft House
John Williams School
Jonesville United Methodist Church
Jones Beach State Park
Joseph Cerrato Park
Joseph Davis State Park
Junior Lake
Junior Lake Park
Juniper Valley Park
Kabaic Lake
Kaegebein Elementary School
Kakiat Park
Kanakadea Park
Karigon Elementary School
Kasoag Lake
Katonah Elementary School
Katonah Memorial Park
Kayuta Lake
Kayuta Lake Dam
Keane Elementary School
Keene Central School
Keenholts Park
Keese Mill
Kees Lake
Keller College
Kemore Library
Kenendy Dells County Park
Kenilworth Library
Kenilworth Park
Kenneth Rutherford School
Kenney Middle School
Kenozia Lake
Kensico Dam
Kensico School
Kensington Woods
Kent Center School
Kent School
Kernan School
Kershaw Park
Kettle Lake
Keuka College
Keuka Lake
Keuka Lake State Park
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens Hills Library
Kiamesha Lake
Kibbie Lake
Kilroe Street Beach
Kinderhook Lake
Kinderogen Lake
Kingsborough Community College
Kingsboro Elementary School
Kingsbridge School
Kingsland Point Park
Kingston Point Park
Kings Park
Kings Point Park
King Street School
King St Park
Kirk Lake
Kiryas Joel
Kissena Lake
Kissena Park
Kiwassa Lake
Knapps Long Lake
Knickerbocker Lake
Knickerbocker Park
Knight Island State Park
Knight Point State Park
Knox Farm State Park
Knox School
Koda Middle School
Korby Lake
Korean Presbyterian Church
Krank Park
Krieger Elementary School
Kring Point State Park
Kyser Lake
Lackawanna High School
Lafargeville Central School
Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church
Lagrange Middle School
Lakeland Park
Lakeside Beach State Park
Lakeville Elementary School
Lakewood Baptist Church
Lakewood Elementary School
Lake Avenue Community Church
Lake Bonaparte
Lake Capri
Lake Carmel
Lake Clear
Lake Delaware
Lake Desolation
Lake Erie Beach
Lake Erie State Park
Lake Front Park
Lake George
Lake George Beach State Park
Lake George Rv Park
Lake Grove
Lake Katonah
Lake Katrine
Lake Lincolndale
Lake Lodge
Lake Luzerne
Lake Marcia Beach
Lake Mohegan
Lake Peekskill
Lake Ronkonkoma
Lake Success
Lake Sunnyside
Lake Superior State Park
Lake Taghkanic State Park
Lake Vanare
Lambert Houses
Lamica Lake
Lamoka Lake
Landing Elementary School
Langmuir College
Lansingburgh High School
Lansing Central Schools
Lansing High School
Lansing Middle School
Lansing Park
Larchmont Manor Beach
Larchmont Manor Park
Larchwood Lake
Large Crooked Lake
Lasalle Regional School
Lasalle School
Lasdon Park
Lasser Park
Latham Community Baptist Church
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Laurel Acres
Laurel Avenue School
Laurel Hollow
Laurel Lane School
Laurel Plains School
Laurel Valley County Park
Laurens Central School
Lawson Lake County Park
La Casita
La Fargeville
Leach Lake
Leavenworth Middle School
Leavenworth Park
Lebanon Lake
Lee Avenue School
Lefrak City
Legion Eyer Park
Lehman College
Lehman College Library
Leif Ericson Park
Lenape Lake
Lennon Park
Lens Lake
Leonard C White Park
Lester Park
Letchworth Central School
Letchworth State Park
Levittown Firefighters Memorial Park
Levittown Public Library
Lewey Lake
Lewis Conor Park
Le Moyne College
Le Ray
Lido Beach
Lido Elementary School
Ligc William Beach
Lightner Library
Lily Dale
Lima Post Office
Lima Presbyterian Church
Lima Public Library
Limekiln Lake
Lime Rock Park
Limp Williston Park
Lincoln Bedell Park
Lincoln Farm Lake
Lindell Elementary School
Lindenhurst Memorial Library
Lindenhurst Middle School
Linden Hill
Link Elementary School
Linlyco Lake
Lishkill Pocket Park
Lister Park
Littles Lake
Little Bay Park
Little Black Lake
Little Chub Lake
Little Crooked Lake
Little Dam Lake
Little Deer Lake
Little Forked Lake
Little Holmes Lake
Little Jordan Lake
Little Memorial Park
Little Metcalf Lake
Little Moose Lake
Little Neck Park
Little Oxbam Lake
Little Pine Lake
Little Rock City
Little Safford Lake
Little Salmon Lake
Little Stony Point State Park
Little Tupper Lake
Little Valley
Little Whaley Lake
Little Woodhull Lake
Liverpool First United Methodist Church
Liverpool Public Library
Livingston Lake
Livingston Manor
Living Hope International Ministries Church
Lloyd Harbor
Lloyd Harbor Village Park
Lochada Lake
Loch Sheldrake
Lockport High School
Lockport Post Office
Lockwood Library
Locust Manor
Locust School
Locust Valley
Locust Valley Library
Locust Valley Market
Lodi Point State Park
Lonergan Park
Longbranch Elementary School
Longwood High School
Longwood Public Library
Long Beach Public Library
Long Beach Skate Park
Long Branch Park
Long Island Bible Baptist Church
Long Island Marthoma Church
Long Island University
Lorenz Park
Loretta Lake
Loretta Park
Loudonville Elementary School
Loudonville Park
Loudonville Presbyterian Church
Loughberry Lake
Lou Gerhig Park
Love Canal
Lower Ausable Lake
Lower Cascade Lake